How to determine your ring size

When measuring your ring size, you can follow these steps

Measure your finger
  • Wrap a string or tape measure: Wrap the string or tape measure around the finger where you want the ring to fit, making sure it's snug against the skin but not too tight. Make sure the line or rope is vertical and not twisted.
Measure the length of a rope or line
  • To measure the length: Lay the string or string flat and use a ruler or other measuring tool to measure the length between the two marks. Please be sure to measure in millimeters to ensure accuracy.

  • Choose the Right Size: Use the measured length to compare with the ring size chart to find the size that is closest to your measurements. You can find our ring sizing guide at the bottom.
  • Considerations: Remember, the time you take when measuring your ring size may also affect the results. It's best to measure at a time of day when your fingers are less swollen, such as in the morning. Also, if your finger size is between two sizes, it is recommended to choose the slightly larger size to ensure the comfort of the ring.
Match with corresponding size chart

US sizeUK sizesEuropean sizemm
3 1⁄4F ½4545
3 3⁄4G ½4646
4 ½I4848
4 3⁄4I ½4949
5 1⁄4J ½5050
5 ½K5151
6 ½M5353
6 3⁄4M ½5454
7 1⁄4N ½5555
7 ½O5656
8 1⁄4P ½5858
8 3⁄4Q ½5959
9 ½S6161
9 3⁄4S ½6262
10 1⁄4T ½6363
10 ½U6464
11 1⁄4V ½6666
11 3⁄4W ½6767
12 ½Y6969
13 1⁄4Z ½7171